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'eDay.xls' is cool !
Keep your friend's and customer's database (eg. telephone, email, birthday ...) in 'eDay.xls' (a simple Excel file), and you can make a phone call using your PC without remembering their phone numbers. You can also let 'eDay.xls' track all your friend's and customer's birthday so that you won't miss out sending them a customised email on their birthday.     Download a free copy
eDay.xls  (eDay + eDialer)
eDialer feature
To remove your frustration of searching, remembering and keying in phone number, when you make a phone call.

To Order

Home Edition

US$ 12/=

No Expire Date

Free technical support

No software upgrade

Capable of handling max 100 friend records

Business Edition

US$ 24/= per year

Free software upgrade

Free priority technical support

When using eDialer, able to list company eg. 'ABC Ltd - James' or 'James - ABC Ltd'

Capable of handling max 2000 customer records

* Discount on 2nd item onward.

eDay feature
To make your customers remember you.